During December 2014, Metro Police in conjunction with SRBID, Woodstock SAPS and the City of Cape Town Traffic Department launched Operation Awareness, an initiative to create awareness about safety in the SRBID amongst the members of the public.
Here are some tips to remember, especially when walking alone at night:
• awareness is your first line of defence – be aware of yourself and your surroundings
• avoid walking alone;
• trust your instincts: if something feels wrong, it most probably is;
• avoid headphones: you need your ears to hear what is going on around you;
• when walking alone, don’t talk on your cell phone – you will be distracted and not aware of what is going on around you. Also, keep your phone out of sight;
• strap your bag across your chest and hold it tight, without looking nervous. Keep the zip opening towards you. Remember, backpacks can easily be tampered without you noticing it;
• do not carry too many packages at once – you must always have clear visibility and freedom of motion;
• do not wear expensive jewellery;
• do not carry large amounts of cash and avoid to draw money when walking alone at night;
• stick to well-lit and busy streets. Avoid dark areas, parking lots or alleys;
• don’t wear shoes or clothing that restricts your movements; and
• carry a noisy friend – a whistle! Carry it around your wrist or in your hand, it will not be of any use in your bag.