Author: srbidcoz
Seeing To Your Safety
Update On Our CCTV Camera Network Crime is a sombre reality in South Africa that costs us dearly. Emotionally, living in fear drains us and financially, unplanned expenses due to theft can leave us grasping at straws. To do our part in creating a safer space for us all to share we are expanding and…
in SRBID NewsThe Salt River Business Improvement District NPC (SRBID) will be hosting an AGM. All stakeholders are invited to a review of the year’s activities and planning for 2021/22. Date: 27 October 2020 Time: 16h00 Venue: Conference Venue, Double Tree by Hilton Cape Town, Upper East Side, 31 Brickfield Road, Woodstock, 7935 Resolutions presented at the…
City of Cape Town COVID-19 Business Impact Survey
in SRBID NewsGood day At the start of lock down, the City of Cape Town engaged businesses across the City on the impact that the lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic was having on their businesses. The inputs from that survey have been used to inform the City’s response to business support in the pandemic. The economy is…
Covid-19 – Essential services during nationwide lockdown
in SRBID NewsStrict regulations in place Those on the road will be required to produce a permit and proof of identification to law enforcement officers 27 March 2020 – Cape Argus – BALDWIN NDABA AND MWANGI GITHAHU ESSENTIAL services workers who will be allowed to report for work during the 21-day nationwide lockdown will do so under…
Guide on how to Apply for a new, lost or stolen wheelie bin.
in SRBID NewsApply for a new bin The registered property owner or property managing agent must download and fill in the Supply of Services Application Form (English | Afrikaans | isiXhosa). Please ensure that you fill in all the sections related to refuse removal. If you are renting, you will need to submit a letter of authority from the property owner or…